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I spent time during my younger years sketching and felt my creative need was being expressed adequately that way.

Friends and family expressed pleasure at my efforts that encouraged me further and gave me a sense of achievement.  
When I started painting originally it was with oil paints, mostly landscapes and the occasional portrait, then I experimented with watercolour enjoying the lighter touch this medium allowed. Some of the watercolours included in the website were painted in the past.
I discovered encaustic art -working with molten wax paint on art card, really did stimulate the inspirational nature.  Included are some of the encaustic paintings that I have done, though generally these are painted on a much smaller scale.
I found it fascinating how images can be created with a hot iron and scriber tools. The smaller pictures are often expressive of detail that suggest image and theme not foreseen.  I continued to explore painting and drawing mediums using charcoal and pastels to produce portraits.
Eighteen months ago I went back to using oil paints again, impressed to work in this medium through my involvement  as a psychic & spiritual medium, healer and astrologer. I started to visualise images of people that interested me having an aura of light around them expressing the life force within -and this also applied to landscapes.

The majority of the oil paintings are more recently painted and were painted inspirationally showing the spirit within all living things.

I hope you enjoy the work displayed on this site -feel free to contact me if you are interested in purchasing  or if you would like me to undertake a commission painting .
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